picture of mom and wife at lunch

Daily Prompt: B+

In response to the Daily Post writing prompt on February 23, 2013.

Prompt: Write about what you did last weekend as though you’re a music critic reviewing a new album.

It’s not easy for a band to consistently put together an album full of hit singles, and the latest learnrunwrite release, Third Weekend in February, is no exception. The first few tracks seem familiar and a little boring, but the band takes this foundation to build more entertaining and upbeat songs that this reviewer will listen to again and again.

Side A begins with a planned three-mile run shortened to two when the calf starts to tighten, resulting in a lackluster opening. Breakfast and a walk with the dogs lead into several hours of java-related file manipulation study, followed by another uninspiring Columbus Blue Jackets performance. This is standard fare for the CBJ fans, and it’s time for a change.

Another two-mile run – this time pain-free – opens the B side, and flows beautifully into a rockin’ experience at a local antique show with mom and wife. The antiques kept a strong rhythm with good bass lines, creating the perfect foundation for family to take over and steal the show.  Shared memories, jokes, and plans for the future all mingled together to create an energizing tune.

The picture at the top of the post is representative of the first single to be released from the album, and the picture below is likely to be the second hit released – it reminds us that we’re never too smart to no longer need to ask questions:

Poster of Albert Einstein with the following text:  Even Einstein asked Questions

Though the Third Weekend in February started out painfully slow, learnrunwrite keeps at it, building enough momentum to create a satisfying experience. If you get the chance, you should try spending some time with your family to create some great tracks.

2 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: B+

  1. Pingback: Critics Are The &%(%@* Of The Earth | The Jittery Goat

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: B+ … Harlem Shake | Fasting, Food and other musings by determined34

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